ADHD Support

ADHD Support

Signs of ADHD start early in life and present across multiple settings not just one. Some children can outgrow their symptoms or as adults learn to compensate, others continue to struggle and when left untreated can take a toll on their self-esteem and other areas of life.
Since no single screening can confirm ADHD it is recommended multiple areas be assessed such as medical health, family medical history, and ADHD rating scales may be utilized to help collect data.

Although there is no cure for ADHD many treatments are available. At Minds at Peace you can expect to receive education, discussion on screening and treatment options, natural methods to improve balance, and executive functioning skill training.  Executive functioning skills play and important part in navigating through life experiences.  These are a group of skills that help us to focus back and forth on multiple streams of information at the same time, identify errors, change plans quickly, and make decisions even when all the information may not be available.

At Minds at Peace we recognize that this can be an extremely stressful time for all parties involved. Whether you are a parent of a child with symptoms or an adult recognizing signs for sometime now there are teachable tools and invaluable life long strategies for you with outside guidance only a step away.